What is ECOO?
European Congress on Odonatology (ECOO) is a biennial European Dragonfly Symposium, arranged since 2010, and the ECOO 2016 is the fourth congress to be arranged.
Where and when will the ECOO be held?
The ECOO 2016 will be held in Sweden, probably in Skåne during the first week of July in 2016.
Who is behind the ECOO?
The ECOO in itself is not an organisation, instead organisations and/or persons are taking turns to arrange an ECOO.
Who will arrange the ECOO 2016?
Magnus Billqvist is the main organiser. SSNC and TSF are the first organisations to support the ECOO 2016.
There will be more organisers as well as supporters as the planning continues. Just to get a hint on what those can be, we have listed the previous organisers and supporters below*. If your organisation is interested in supporting and/or co-organising the ECOO please contact
Who can participate in the ECOO?
The ECOO welcomes anyone that are working on or are interested in dragonflies at all levels.
What are the topics?
Some of the important topics are monitoring, distribution, protection and climate change.
What is the vision with the ECOO?
The vision is to keep arranging a biennial European Dragonfly Symposium and through that create and maintain a sustainable European network of Odonatologists, all for the greater good of dragonflies and their habitats.
What is the vision with the ECOO 2016?
The vision with the ECOO 2016 is to get at least 100 participants from all over Europe to come to the best ECOO so far. An ECOO that will be so affordable that also students from all over Europe will be able to participate.
Where can I find more information?
We will publish a website with all the information needed. Until then, the only info available is on the page you are viewing right now. You can however join the Facebook group, where you will find input from the group members, such as pictures from the latest ECOO in Montpellier. You can also follow us on Instagram.
We will as soon as possible publish more information on the ECOO 2016. Until then, don’t hesitate to contact Magnus if you have any questions, ideas, requests or feedback.
Post Congress Field Trips
After the ECOO there will be field trips to exciting areas in other parts of Sweden. These typically last for a week or more. You are of course welcome to join a post congress field trip without participating on the ECOO.
We wish you all a very warm welcome and hope to see all of you in Sweden in July 2016!
We thank all our sponsors and all the people involved for making these congresses possible!
* Previous supporters and/or organisers includes Banco Espirito Santo, British Dragonfly Society, Centro de Investigaçâo em Biodiversidae e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO), Conservatoire d’espaces naturels du Languedoc-Roussillon (Cen-LR), Dragonfly Society Flanders, Dutch Butterfly Conservation (De Vlinderstichting), Dutch Dragonfly Association, Entomological Society of Serbia, European Invertebrate Survey, Fundaçao para a Cliência e a Tecnologia, Gesellschaft deutchsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO), Gomphus (Le groupe de travail Gomphus Wallonie), KBC Bank Serbia, Ministère de l’Écologie du Développement durable et de l’Énergie (MEDDE), Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society of the Republic of Serbia, Natural History Museum in Belgrade, Office pour les insectes et leur environnement (Opie), ORF, Private donations, Societe Francaise d´Odonatologie, Société française d’Odonatologie (SfO), Tourist Organization of Belgrade and Worldwide Dragonfly Association.