Contact Information

If you have any questions you are more than welcome to call or e-mail us. Why not come visit us at our office for a cup of coffee and see how we work!

If you plan to visit us we recommend calling in advance, since some days we are working in the field, on meetings or away for other reasons.

Below you find the information you need to contact us. Our office on Nils Bjelkegatan 4B in Lund is close to the railway station and easy to find. Nils Bjelkegatan is a side street to Spolegatan (that runs north, parallell to the railway tracks).

If you want to contact someone in our board, please contact our chairman or the office and we will forward you to the person you are looking for.

Mail Address:
Naturskyddsföreningen i Skåne, Box 1013, 221 04 Lund

Visit Address:
Nils Bjelkegatan 4B, Lund

046/33 56 51, 0733/204 777, fax 046/14 91 14.

Magnus Billqvist, head of office, 046/33 56 51

Emma Ådahl & Petter Albinsson, The White Stork Project, 046/33 56 54

Marianne Steneroth Sillén, chairman